Rajiv Gandhi is not hindu , but nobody has said it, I have to say it Rajiv Gandhi is a cross breed, .His father , Feroze Gandhi, was a parsee; and his mother, indira Gandhi was a Hindu, But the name – Gandhi- gives the feeling as if he is hindu, because Mahatma Gandhi was hindu. So people think…
And Parsees are not known very much; they are confined to Bombay, and a few people in Poona, a few people in Surat—just this small territory. Basically they are confined to Bombay, so all over most of India nobody knows about them , that they also have a surname , Gandhi .
the word Gandhi comes not from caste or religion, it means a man who sells perfumes, Gandh means perfume, and Gandhi means perfume seller. So anybody who sells perfumes becomes “Gandhi “ It has nothing to do with religion, it has nothing to do with caste
Feroze Gandhi’s family, sometimes in the past must have been selling perfume. And that was also true of mahatma Gandhi’s parents or forefathers. Somewhere back they must have been selling perfume; both are called “ Gandhis”
This word ‘Gandhi’ gives the impression to the whole of India that Rajiv is a Hindu .He is not. Rajiv is half hindu and half parsee.
Book : Communism and Zen fire Chapter 6 wolves in a sheep’s skin

the word Gandhi comes not from caste or religion, it means a man who sells perfumes, Gandh means perfume, and Gandhi means perfume seller. So anybody who sells perfumes becomes “Gandhi “ It has nothing to do with religion, it has nothing to do with caste
Feroze Gandhi’s family, sometimes in the past must have been selling perfume. And that was also true of mahatma Gandhi’s parents or forefathers. Somewhere back they must have been selling perfume; both are called “ Gandhis”
This word ‘Gandhi’ gives the impression to the whole of India that Rajiv is a Hindu .He is not. Rajiv is half hindu and half parsee.
Book : Communism and Zen fire Chapter 6 wolves in a sheep’s skin
Who cares his caste? Why OSHO gave this irrelevent information?
niether osho nor the sannyasins bother about caste , nationality, religions, the discources was about rajiv gandhi's hypocracy is you listen the full discource you find the relevence- love nirup
any way thanks for the comments - always have the comments- you may find more irrlavence here - love nirup
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