Monday, May 21, 2007

Marilyn Monroe and Muktananda

One Hindu saint died a few years ago, Swami Muktananda. You must have heard his name; many of you may have seen him. But you don't know what happened in paradise.
One of his disciples was so miserable because his guru had died, he committed suicide. He wanted to go with the guru. He reached just a little late, but he reached. And what he saw - he could not believe his eyes! He saw Muktananda lying naked under a tree, and on top of him was an American actress, Marilyn Monroe, making love to Muktananda. He could not believe that Muktananda, who was always teaching celibacy.... In his book, CHIDVILAS - "Play of Consciousness", he describes that his discipline of celibacy came to such a point that his prick would rise so high that it would touch his navel.... The disciple had read it. And what is Muktananda doing? Has he forgotten everything? But anyway, Muktananda is his master, so he has to pay his respects.He did not look at what was happening, he just touched Muktananda's feet and said, "Baba, I think this must be the reward for all your virtues."
And Marilyn Monroe said, "You idiot! This is not the reward for this idiot, this is punishment for me!" - OSHO

Book : Communism and Zen Fire, Zen Wind , Cheapter : 5


Unknown said...

This is what our so many so called Muktanandas' Mokshas is all about. A beautiful story indeed to hit the ROCK! A mass social hypocrisy?

ramakrishna said...

Not really impressed ...... think you have no idea about Muktananda and what he stood for, but we love to tear down Gurus to our level of consciousness .... so we can feel righteous and then write trash blogs.
try writing something worthwhile.